Ready for ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET 5 is not just another version of ASP.NET it's a complete rewrite, and - more importantly - it's a complete rethink of what ASP.NET should be. In fact it is so different from ASP.NET 4 that many in the community think it should have had another name. ASP.NET 5 is a modern, cross-platform and open source web platform that aims to be efficient to work with, extremely scalable and easy to deploy on premise or in cloud. MVC 6 is built on top of ASP.NET 5 and is a full featured web application framework which to some extent continues in the path of previous ASP.NET MVC versions and marys MVC fully to WebAPI.
This hands-on course will lead attendees through writing web apis directly in ASP.NET 5 as well web apis and web applications in MVC 6.
Day 1 focusses strongly on the core platform of ASP.NET 5 and covers
* The pipeline
* Middleware
* Dependency injection
* Command line and runtime
* CoreCLR - the new cross platfrom server side .NET
* New project types and NuGet
* Cross platform - running on Mac and Linux
* Side-by-side deployment
Day 2 moves upward from the platform to the MVC 6 and SignalR framework and covers
* Controllers POCO or inherited
* Routing options
* Content negotiation
* Two way communication with SignalR
* Razor tag helpers
* Client side tools
* Bower
* Grunt and Gulp
* Configuration
* Tooling - Visual Studio and alternatives
* Architecture consideration: What belongs in MVC and what belongs in middleware?
This hands-on course will lead attendees through writing web apis directly in ASP.NET 5 as well web apis and web applications in MVC 6.
Day 1 focusses strongly on the core platform of ASP.NET 5 and covers
* The pipeline
* Middleware
* Dependency injection
* Command line and runtime
* CoreCLR - the new cross platfrom server side .NET
* New project types and NuGet
* Cross platform - running on Mac and Linux
* Side-by-side deployment
Day 2 moves upward from the platform to the MVC 6 and SignalR framework and covers
* Controllers POCO or inherited
* Routing options
* Content negotiation
* Two way communication with SignalR
* Razor tag helpers
* Client side tools
* Bower
* Grunt and Gulp
* Configuration
* Tooling - Visual Studio and alternatives
* Architecture consideration: What belongs in MVC and what belongs in middleware?
Underviser: Christian Horsdal Gammelgaard
Sprog: Dansk
Varighed: 2 dage
Pris: 35.000 kr. eksl. moms. pr. dag for op til 12 deltager.
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